Monday, September 7, 2009

First post/assignment/studio lighting at CMU


Wow finally got my first post up. This is my portrait assignment for 420. Could have shot more and definitely moved the lights around more. Was very comfortable working with subject and feel that I got his personality across showing who he is.


  1. love the prop! very cool. i feel like the rim light behind his shoulder in the second photo was a little too bright and could have been toned down a little more. but that's my opinion. but very cool!

  2. Nice light on the first one Nate. Watch the light on the left side of his face on the second one though.

  3. I like this a lot, because with a bike you would expect him to be on it. the second shot is very creative and fun. the first, i like a little less of a crop. the second if you could stop more above him, shoot down and a little closer, like the tire is coming at us more :) Very nice!
